Classic Stair, Surrey

A classic stair of stone and timber with a mild steel balustrade.

Project ID: 3003

The staircase is a mild steel carcass clad at the foot with stone and oak for the remaining treads. A steel carcass allows for a far greater degree of accuracy in staircase manufacture and cladding; this translates into a perfectly seamless finish.

The mild steel uprights were copper plated and bronzed with an elephant-foot type base feature cut to the angle of the stair. An oval handrail, clad in hand-stitched mocha leather, rises continuously from first floor along the galleried landing.

Stone and timber are both popular choices of materials for a classic stair. However, with this type of design, you can enjoy the best of both.

To obtain a guide price for your own staircase based around a design like this, please quote reference 3003.

Project ID: 3003

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